LPD urges safe celebrations this holiday season
LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - The holiday season is here and that means travel, family time, and, of course, drinking. Thanksgiving is ranked top 5 in the nation as having the most car accidents involving alcohol.
The Oklahoma Highway Patrol #115 explained that during last year’s’ Thanksgiving season, between the 23rd and the 27th, there were 12 fatalities, with six of those accidents being involved with impaired drivers. Out of those six drivers, three of them were unaware of where they were at the time of their arrest.
OHP added that Thanksgiving is the time of year for increased police and high visibility patrol presence on the streets.
If you plan on traveling with alcohol in your car tomorrow, here are some things that you need to know: under Oklahoma law, it is illegal to have any open bottles, cans, or any other vessel with an open seal containing alcohol in a moving vehicle in the state.
“So with transporting alcohol whether it be liquor or beer it must be in its original packaging sealed it can not be open, it can not be altered or manipulated.” said Lawton public information officer, Chris Blessing.
It is also important to think before you consume, if you know you are going to drink alcohol, plan ahead.
”If you are going to consume alcoholic beverages, please be responsible. Please plan ahead, please arrive to and from your destination safely. Please call an uber, call a lyft, call a cab service, designate a sober driver to drive you home.” added Blessing.
At the end of the day, the holidays are about enjoying life and the company of loved ones, not being pulled over for being under the influence.
“We want the citizens to have fun, we want the citizens to enjoy the holiday season. We want the citizens to enjoy each other’s company. But please be responsible in doing so because we don’t want to have to come to your residence, or pull you over and you are extremely intoxicated because all that is going to do is ruin your holiday season.” said Blessing.
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