Medwatch: preventing athletic injuries with Grady Brewer

Tips to overcome athletic injuries.
Published: Oct. 10, 2023 at 11:01 AM CDT
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LAWTON, Okla. (KSWO) - Throughout Grady Brewer’s over decade long career, he has competed in over 50 fights, while earning 16 KO’s under his belt.

Brewer also won half a million dollars from the ESPN Reality Show “The Contender,” spending that money on his gym “Bad boys boxing & fitness,” which is located in Lawton, Oklahoma.

Like many athletes, Grady found himself in a strain when he became hurt by his injuries. Luckily for him, he able to continue his income through his gym, and receive premiere treatment by orthopedic surgeon Dr. Wayne Johnson at Comanche county memorial hospital.

Dr. Johnson has specialized in his field for over 20 years, serving in the army, and helping local athletes stay healthy.

“When it comes to those injuries that he sustained, how serious are those?” asked morning anchor Alexis Young

“Well those injuries were serious enough, that for good news they weren’t career threatening. But, it made it so as someone has to be agile in the ring to be able to protect himself and actually be competitive and have a chance to win the fight,” said the surgeon.

Other athletes aren’t always so lucky.

According the the National Institutes of Health, the overall “lifetime” prevalence of injuries occurring more than once for athletes was 67.1% Pairing that with Twenty percent of elite athletes quitting their sport because of an injury, stats are basically saying if you play a sport get ready for a little pain.

“What kind of advice do you have for someone who is trying to prevent that type of injury?” asked Young.

“That’s a great question, Alexis. what i found works best is if you warm up properly. a lot of times athletes hit the field and want to get right at it. but if they warm up fir 10 to 15 minutes to get their blood flowing, and stretching. but also after the event they should cool down, stretch, hydrate, and have good nutrition.” said Dr. Johnson.