A couple times a year, the Lawton Rangers saddle up and go on a trail ride. It's the latest edition of Makenzie's Outdoor Adventures.
Published: Nov. 11, 2021 at 11:55 AM CST
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DUNCAN LAKE, Okla. (KSWO) -A couple times a year, the Lawton Rangers saddle up and go on a trail ride.

It’s an opportunity for the community to join them for a great day of fellowship, food, and riding.

Our own Makenzie Burk joined them on their most recent ride at Duncan Lake.

It’s the latest edition of her outdoor adventures.

The Lawton Rangers work hard year round to put on one of the top 50 rodeos in the country every August.

But a few times a year, the whole crew takes a break from the work, and gets together for a trail ride.

“Just to have something to do over the weekend when there’s no rodeo,” said rider Bryson Smith.

“Just usually a good fellowship, we all have a lot in common,” said Lawton Ranger, Roy Phillips. “We all enjoy horses and each others company.”

Makenzie got to saddle up with the Rangers last month.

Lawton Ranger Roy Phillips graciously loaned her a horse to ride.

Phillips rides a few times a week.

“My favorite part is just seeing everybody, getting out and being with horses and people,” said Phillips.

Before riding out, the group got together to listen to the Trail boss.

“I help organize the group and get it together and help take them on a ride,” said trail boss, Lynn Carmon. “Know the trails, know where we’re going, try to figure out the time limits and so forth.”

Carmon is a seasoned trail rider, riding with groups all across the state.

“The group that I ride with normally are what I would call tough riders,” said Carmon. “They can ride all day long, and their horse are all in condition for long rides. Those rides consist of about 6 hour rides a day, in rough mountains. We like to ride the hills, the gullies, the washes, things that have a challenge.”

But for the Lawton Rangers Trail Ride, with many young, or inexperienced riders, Carmon likes Duncan Lake equestrian trails, because it has a little bit of everything.

“I try to take the group through a little bit of challenge, but not overdo it,” said Carmon. “Because I know some of the people aren’t familiar with riding. We got little kids like a 6 year old great grandson.”

After the ride was over, everyone enjoyed a great meal together.

Carmon encourages all riders to join them. He says the more, the merrier.

“Come out, have fun with us,” said Carmon. “If you’re just learning, tell us. We’ll help you. We’ll do all we can to help get you on the right foot. I love riding. I’m one of those, the more people ridin, the more I enjoy it.”

The Duncan Lake Equestrian Trails are open to the public.

It’s $2 a day per horse, or annually is $10 a year.

To find out when their next Trail ride is, you can follow the Lawton Rangers on Facebook.

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